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Communally active and far from bored, Seattle Central’s CAB

For as long as Seattle Central has existed, community has been an important element of the school’s foundation. Being in the middle of a historically pluralist neighborhood, bringing folks together from varying perspectives is crucial to bringing students together to learn from each other as well as from their classes. The College Activities Board (CAB) has a plan to keep this diversity present in student life. The board plans to put together events including but not limited to planning Indigenous Peoples Day, Involvement Fair, Halloween, and Dia de los Muertos events. 

I had a chance to ask a few questions with Sundos El-Naser, Organization Lead for the CAB, and learn more about what they do independently and in conjunction with other groups at SCC. 

What is CAB? Who is on the board and what are their positions?

The College Activities Board is a board of student leaders dedicated to uplifting underrepresented groups through different programs and events on campus. We want to remove the barriers society has systematically put in place to prevent minority voices from being heard, and their creativity, talent and worth from being seen and validated.

As of right now, our numbers are half of what is typical for a CAB board, but expect us to get our work done regardless!

Our current board members are:

Han Ngo, Marketing Lead. Han takes care of student engagement via social media, creates digital and print event posters, participates in classroom presentations, and tabling for CAB.

Suaad Hersi, Organization Lead. Suaad, along with Avrum and Sundos will be event organizers, responsible for room or venue reservations and all details pertaining to the event being planned. They communicate with speakers and performers invited to events, and follow deadlines for events on campus. 

Fathuma Ali, Volunteer Coordinator. Fathuma engages the student body by recruiting volunteers. They  manage volunteers through the entirety of the event planning process, during the event, and post event. She also helps volunteers work on their Student Development Transcript.

Sundos El-Naser: Organization Lead.

Avrum Leung: Organization Lead.

As a team, we will be helping each lead with their tasks, so expect to see us tabling starting the third week of the quarter, Mondays and Wednesdays, 9am-1pm and ask us what events are going on!

Do you know how long the CAB has been at SCC?

Upon asking our CAB advisor, Sam Chesneau, and Kari Mills, Assistant to the Dean of Student Development, the response I received was that CAB has most likely existed as long as Seattle Central College has. Possibly that it existed under the Associated Student Council as a committee for event planning on campus. It has at least existed as a separate board for 17 years, since that’s how long the Unity Fair has been going on. 

What do you have planned for the upcoming year, and quarter? 

We have quite a few events in the works at this moment, including but not limited to planning Indigenous Peoples Day, Involvement Fair, Halloween, and Dia de los Muertos. We’ll be getting into the details of these events during the first weeks of school, so look out for posters for more information on what will be going on Fall Quarter!

Any other information you’d like to share? Or things you’re most excited about?

I am so excited and scared at the same time. I recognize that not only is this a huge opportunity, but being a part of the College Activities Board, or any student leadership board, is a huge responsibility as well. I want my fellow peers to know that at the end of the day, I am just a student, student leaders are here to help, to guide, and to listen to students. I am here for my fellow students first and foremost, so please don’t hesitate to reach out to me, to say hi in the hallways, or to just be honest with me if you feel like I’m not doing the best I could be doing for you. 


The College Activities board has an office located in the Student Leadership Building across the street from the Broadway Edison building. 

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