Whiskey, Tango, Foxtrot or WTF is our new weekly column diving into the semi weird and confusing terrain of life as we know it currently. Is it news? We aren’t entirely sure, but we know…
Posts published in “Opinion”
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, Seattle Central College has already made the call that Summer quarter 2020 classes will be online. Many of the students are beginning to change their Summer plans. In a recent…
The coronavirus has taken several things away from us, especially from those of us who are still in school. Online learning has to scramble to the rescue when everyone from preschoolers to doctoral candidates is…
The sweeps keep coming On May 4th the City of Seattle Navigation Team swept another encampment in the Ballard neighborhood. The city does not like to call these forced removals sweeps, and does not like…
I think everyone can whole-heartedly agree that this sucks. It sucks butt. Smart people are stuck in their houses if they can afford them, while other people are protesting in uncomfortably close crowds and may…
In December of 2019, a Twitter user in Seattle posted an image of a homeless person sleeping on the cold ground near a bench. The bench in question, meanwhile, was occupied by a bronze sculpture…
The coronavirus outbreak is everywhere. It’s the drunken party guest on the global stage nobody wanted; vomiting on the furniture, smashing the glass coffee table of the global economy, ruining our personal lives, and smearing…
We’re all burned out on Coronavirus. COVID-19, the ‘Rona, or whatever you want to call it has been hitting us from every side lately. Every news story, video social event, junk email, social media meme…
*Please Sir, can we have some more… Oh Steve Mnuchin, your name makes you sound like a bond villain but your glasses make us think you were terribly bullied in your ivy league prep school…
It’s become a running joke among me and my fellow disabled students of Seattle Central: how hilariously, glaringly bad the location of the Disability Service Office is. It seems to perfectly sum up how inadequately…