Laika is a popular animation studio among cartoon buffs, especially for fans of Coraline, the studio’s most popular film. Hidden Worlds, a temporary exhibition at Seattle’s MoPop museum, is worth the visit for every Laika…
Posts tagged as “exhibit”
Last weekend, I went to the Museum of Museums (MoM) for the first time. Without any idea what exhibits they have displayed, the experience left me feeling surprised and enamored. From adorable doodles of cats…
This is a most human event. We gather here today to visit a fistful of nature, or a cupping hand, it depends from man to man. The Northwest Flower & Garden Festival was here. The…
There’s so much trust that we put in strangers. Driving, eating, shopping — these all require a roll of the dice, a little faith in the stranger next to you. But what about the carousel…