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Posts tagged as “Seattle Colleges”

Earth Day: Choosing action

Humans are destroying this planet. I don’t believe this is new information to the majority of us. We have all seen the increasing number of natural disasters, the waste being dumped on the land and in the sea, and even a change in local temperature. Any day you flip onto a news channel, you are likely to see at least one segment or statistic pointing towards climate change. And we are to blame. Our ceaseless desire for material possessions and financial gain is degrading our planet at an alarming rate. 

Christina Quarles: The universal experience of existing

“Los Angeles–based artist Christina Quarles paints ambiguous figures who stretch, intertwine, and merge in and with their surroundings, their bodies subjected not only to the weight and gravity of the physical world, but also to the pleasures and pressures of the social realm.” That is the greeting I received when entering the exhibit at the Frye Art Museum, the one that prepared me very little for what I was about to experience—which is the point, I realized, because what I experienced was a transcendence from my own self, and my world became acrylic, and colorful, and full of grief.

Rejoice! M2M, Capitol Hill’s first Asian store is finally here

After opening their first reiteration of an “urban style” store in Toronto, H Mart, the largest Asian supermarket chain in the United States, will be opening a new branch called M2M in Capitol Hill. It is set to open its doors this coming Friday, April 15. After all the delays and anticipation. On a Facebook post, Todd Jordan, a Capitol Hill Local, expressed his excitement saying “it’ll be great when it finally opens,” and finally this new Korean-American supermarket is finally ready to welcome everyone to their store. 

Food as medicine: The new prescription in Seattle 

As more research emerges, humans are discovering the possibilities of adapting nutrition interventions as medical therapies. According to recent groundbreaking investigations, it’s now evident that individual responses to identical meals are highly variable and that universal dietary guidelines, such as those supported under women, infants, and children (WIC) and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Programs (SNAP), may be of limited use. To keep abreast with new discoveries, several states are innovating on how clinical care is delivered, by combining drugs with medically tailored meals, food prescriptions, and/or food vouchers to meet their patients' needs. 

Future nostalgia: How online algorithms assign your identity

There is nothing more timeless than the question, “Who am I?” One´s identity is hard to put into words, as we are complex human beings, but that doesn't stop us from trying. People spend their entire life looking for the right combination of letters, just so that others would perceive them in a certain way.

Clarissa Perez: Artistry, advocacy, and a mission to foster both

During the COVID-19 pandemic, suicide attempts in adolescent females skyrocketed by 50%. It was almost 4% in young males. This is only one of the many reasons that 20-year-old artist and activist Clarissa Perez felt called to action. Chartering Joy&TheHood, a youth wellness collective whose goal is to mentor at-risk youth, Perez hopes to encourage mindfulness, confidence, and the means and methods to tell their stories. 

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